Železna jama






Iron Cave

Za turizem so jo začeli urejati leta 1962, od 1. septembra leta 1963 pa je jama odprta za obiskovalce. Jama ima dve dvorani, ki sta med seboj povezani z rovom in mostovi, ki so del turistične poti. Dvorani sta po zasnovi večji brezni. Obe povezuje meter dolga ožina, z vidnimi sledovi vodnega toka pod stropom in po tleh. Na dnu obeh dvoranic voda ponikne. Druga dvorana ima širše dno, ki je umetno dvignjeno in zravnano. Čeprav je Železna jama majhna so njene drobne oblike pestre. Vidimo lahko stalagmite in stalaktite, sigove izrastke, ponvice in manjše zavese. Opazimo lahko tudi fasete, korozijske kotlice ter ostanke galerije.

Adaptation for tourists began in 1962 and since 1 September 1963 the cave has been open for visitors. The cave has two halls connected to each other by a tunnel and some bridges which are part of the tourist route. The two chambers are in the form of large potholes, linked by a metre-long narrow passage which has visible traces of water flow both on its ceiling and floor. At the bottom of both chambers the water sinks into the ground. The second chamber has a wider bottom, which has been raised and secured by man. Although the Iron Cave is small, its delicate features are varied. We can see stalagmites and stalactites, sinter protrusions, gours and smaller sinter curtains. Other forms are corrosion hollows, scallops and remnants of a gallery.

Jamarski dom


Jamarski dom


Gostišče Jamarski dom na Gorjuši pri Domžalah (tel.01/7241-577) je 2 km oddaljena od avtocestnega priključka Domžale na Štajerski avtocesti. Od odcepa sledimo oznakam za grad Krumperk po makadamski cesti in takoj za gradom zavijemo desno, od koder je do doma še 200m. Jamarski dom je zgradilo Društvo za raziskovanje jam Simon Robič Domžale. Gostišče sprejme prekop 200 gostov in je primerno za poroke, seminarje, obletnice ter nedeljska kosila. V kleti Jamarskega doma si je možno ogledati jamarski muzej, ki je sestavljen iz arheološke, kapniške, Robičeve in slamnikarske zbirke.

The Jamarski dom Inn in Gorjuša near Domžale (tel. 01/7241-577) is 2 km distant from the main road connecting Ljubljana-Celje-Maribor. The road leading to Jamarski dom and Krumperk Castle branches off the main road in Dob near Domžale, where there is also a bus station and a post office. A signposted asphalt road goes past the parish church and turns left at the foot of Krumperk Castle. Jamarski dom was built by the Simon Robič Speleological Society of Domžale. The inn can cater for more than 200 guests and is suited to weddings, seminars, anniversaries, Sunday lunches and large festivities.

Zbirka kapnikov


Stalactite collection


V speleološki zbirki so najlepši kapniki iz zbirke Franca Hohenwarta iz začetka 18.stoletja, ki jih je društvu odstopil Prirodoslovni muzej iz Ljubljane. Zbirka predstavlja skoraj vse oblike kapnikov in sige, ki obstajajo v slovenskih jamah in se ločijo po načinu nastanka.

The speleological collection is made up of the most beautiful stalactites from Franc Hohenwart's collection dating from the beginning of the 18th century, and was donated by the Natural History Museum in Ljubljana. The collection displays almost all distinctive forms of stalactites and calcareous sinter to be found in Slovene caves.

Slamnikarska zbirka


Straw-hat making collection


Zbirka prikazuje razvoj domžalskega slamnikarsva od srede 18. stoletja do propada po prvi svetovni vojni. Zbirka je nastala na pobudo Antona Ravnikarja iz Domžal in je bila najprej razstavljena v treh sobah gradu Krumperk. Da zbirka nebi propadla, so jamarji v prtličju Jamarskega doma na Gorjuši izdelali dva prostora in jo pridružili drugim muzejskim zbirkam. Tu so jo na ogled slovesno odprli 8. marca 1992.

The collection presents the development of straw-hat making in Domžale from the beginning of the 18th century to its decline after World War One. The incentive to form a collection was given by Anton Ravnikar from Domžale and was initially kept in three rooms in Krumperk Castle. To prevent its decay speleologists provided two rooms for it on the ground floor of the Jamarski dom in Gorjuša as an addition to other museum collections. Its formal opening for visitors took place on 8 March, 1992.